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RESET "Carbonsate Could Have the Answer"

Are we burying our heads when it comes to climate change? German start-up Carbonsate is tackling the planet's excess CO2 by putting it underground.

RESET Digital for Good


Wirtschaftswoche "Tschüss, CO2!"

Carbonsate: "Wir wollen Marktführer bei der Einlagerung von Biomasse sein."


Wirtschaftswoche Nr. 19 2024


LinkedIn: Isometric has released its “Subsurface Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage”.

Fabian Sperling: "It makes me very happy to see that direct biomass storage gains more and more market and scientific validation. It shows that we are on the right track with Carbonsate."

Fabian at the storage site


impact investing magazin

Carbonsate: "Terrestrial Biomass Storage als Schlüssel zur Erreichung von Netto-Null-Zielen"


Impact Investing Magazine


LinkedIn: Carbonsate credits available at CEEZER

"Carbonsate's credits are now available on CEEZER's marketplace as a "coming soon" listing."

Announcement of Collaboration


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